The physics of orbiting bodies is about to take away our communication with Mars for a couple weeks.
Curiosity’s path
Unexplained oxygen fluctuations
Oxygen levels above Gale Crater appear to fluctuate seasonally and scientists don’t yet know why.
Colder than Mars
Is it really colder in parts of the US right now than it is on Mars? Let’s take a closer look. Continue reading “Colder than Mars”
Curiosity picture book
This looks like a nice book about Curiosity for kids. I like that, in the interview, the author/illustrator notes that he has no technical qualifications for writing this book, just an abundance of inspiration and a willingness to do the research. That’s the key, really.
Open source rover
Want to build your own rover? NASA/JPL will show you how. This could be a very fun project, if you happen to have $2500 available.

Dust storm
The dust storm on Mars is a global weather event.
“The last dust storm on Mars to go global occurred in 2007, five years before the Curiosity rover landed at its Gale Crater site, according to officials with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California.”