Getting real

Just assigned ISBNs and requested Library of Congress numbers for the paperback and ebook versions of the forthcoming book. Things are finally getting real.

Illustration for next book

Illustration for the next Generation Mars book is coming along nicely. Here’s a sample.

This is what Cas sees from inside her helmet as she walks through a dust storm. Note the cool head-up display. (great work by Luis Peres)



Atlas Pro has created a really cool video on areography–the “geography” of Mars. It’s a brief but thorough survey of the surface of Mars and well worth a watch.

I really want a print of the map presented at 3:00.

Lots of space stuff going on!

I’ve been a little caught up in day-to-day living and not posted anything about all the cool stuff going on in space right now.

Mars is getting new robots!


And Endeavour is bringing Bob and Doug home this weekend!