We don’t need to go to the Moon in order to go to Mars. But, if we’re going to go to the Moon, then let’s go to the Moon, not an orbit around it. And let’s dig in and make it stick.
Here’s a plan for doing just that with existing tech.
Book Series
We don’t need to go to the Moon in order to go to Mars. But, if we’re going to go to the Moon, then let’s go to the Moon, not an orbit around it. And let’s dig in and make it stick.
Here’s a plan for doing just that with existing tech.
We need a backup.
background: NASA/JPL-Caltech animation showing known asteroids from 1999 to the present.
A collection of creepy sounds from throughout our solar system.
background: NASA/JPL/MSSS; processing and mosaic: Olivier de Goursac, 2013 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Martian-Sunset-O-de-Goursac-Curiosity-2013.jpg)
The dry matter-of-fact tone of this article, and the report it refers to, reinforces that this stuff is coming sooner than we all expect.
Our unmanned efforts in space deserve great credit, but they aren’t enough.
background: NASA Juno Mission Collection 2 excerpt (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/juno/multimedia/junoanimations.html), NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center MAVEN animation (https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/11024)
Next up: a hazy memory of the Apollo era.
Background video footage: Apollo 11 montage from NASA
I got together with a friend and a green screen recently to shoot for a promo video. I can be chatty, so we ended up with more footage than I need, much of it quite good. I’ll throw some clips against the wall here over the next couple weeks and see what sticks.
background: Illustration for Scratching the Surface by Luis Peres.
A short but fascinating article on way the entertainment and science communities often compliment each other.
Very nice.