Make it better

Once in a while, Kurzgesagt hits it out of the park.

“You get to live in a world that’s deeply flawed but also the best it ever was. And you get the opportunity to make it better.”

Food update

Status update for Food, Generation Mars, Book Four

At some point during the past week, the manuscript passed 50K words.

Manuscript is a loose term that covers everything from get-it-down-and-fix-it-later sketch to fully edited and ready for formatting.

At this point, Food is closer to the sketch. A 50K sketch. I won’t say much more, but I will say this: It keeps surprising me, and I think it will surprise you too.

Luna and Mars

It looks so close! This is an actual image taken from Earth of Mars emerging from lunar occultation. Taken by Andrew McCarthy using a 14″ telescope.

The next Generation Mars book, Food, takes place on both Luna and Mars. And points between…


This image shows the progress on the next Generation Mars book as of May 30. Since then, I’ve been on a wild and wonderful vacation with the family and haven’t written a word. I expect this number is about to start growing. A lot.

Author intervew

Here’s an interview I did with Elena Jagar at Willow Wren Books recently.

From the interview:

What do you hope young readers will take away from your books?

Optimism is a superpower. Kindness is strength. Society is something you create with those around you; what do you want it to be? In the confines of Martian habitation, tolerance is a key virtue. Care for others, as well. No one can exist without the help of others and nowhere is this more evident than in a colony on a distant planet.


Our future in space

Rick Tumlinson has a lot to say about our future in space. There is much in this piece that fits with the ideas I present in Generation Mars. Give it a read and see what you think.

“But suppose we can get past this first phase of government’s trying to use space to dominate Earth and establish the first viable communities in the beyond. These can be based on underlying principles that focus on caring for life, evolving humanity and exploring the cosmos, and yes, funded by new industries and vast resources we no longer have to rip out of the MotherWorld. In that case, we may have a chance to move to a new level of human culture, where war, conquest, and control make way for more peaceful, collaborative efforts to expand the domain of life for all.”

This is the sort of culture I describe in Dawn, the Martian colony of my books.

Solar storm

In Shelter, Cas, Ori, and their parents must deal with the direct hit of a solar storm on Mars while away from the shelter of their base.

Earth is about to get hit by such an event. But don’t worry. Too much…



Humans and lava tubes

Dawn Colony, where the characters of Generation Mars live, is built primarily in lava tubes to protect the inhabitants from the radiation that reaches the surface of Mars.

Recent archaeological research suggests humans have been seeking shelter from radiation in lava tubes for thousands of years.



Food update

A milestone update on Food: Generation Mars, Book Four

1) The entire book is plotted (or, at least, as plotted as I am willing to go while also leaving room for surprise). All I’ll say is that this one is monumental in scope and will take your breath in the first chapter and keep it until the last.

2) As of today, I passed 5000 words in the initial manuscript. A pittance in the face of this monster, but a milestone to be celebrated nonetheless.

image: generated by ImageFX

Water receives Five Star review from Readers’ Favorite

Check out this Five Star review from Readers’ Favorite for Water: Generation Mars, Book Three!

Water is a work of fiction in the adventure, science fiction, and action genres. It is the third novel of the Generation Mars series and is suitable for middle-grade and young adult readers alike. Penned by author Douglas D. Meredith with illustrations by artist Luis Peres, the story explores the vital role of water on Mars, where it serves as the key to survival and economic prosperity for settlers. For two sisters and their classmates, a routine exploration of an abandoned ice mine turns into a harrowing fight for survival when a seismic event traps them in a treacherous labyrinth of ice, testing their resilience and courage.

Author Douglas D. Meredith has crafted a thrilling and immersive read that will totally transport its young readers to the Red Planet with a fantastic sense of atmosphere and multi-sensory description. Meredith has a great balance of science fiction with elements of survival and adventure, creating a gripping narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats and rooting for the characters because they’re realistic and authentic. As Cas, Ori, and their classmates navigate the dangers of the icy labyrinth, I found myself highly impressed by their ingenuity, bravery, and personal growth in the face of adversity. The vivid descriptions of Martian landscapes and the challenges posed by the hostile environment added new excitement and dangers to keep the plot fresh, and I loved some of the bigger emotional twists toward the end of the tale. I was also absolutely in love with the illustrations by artist Luis Peres, which looked as though they had fallen straight out of the author’s mind onto the page. Overall, Water is a captivating addition to the series, and I would not hesitate to recommend it and the series as a whole to young readers everywhere looking for exciting, compelling adventures.

-Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite