The purpose of this website is to promote the book series Generation Mars.
But that feels a bit constraining, not to mention self-serving. I encounter so much interesting information while researching stories; sometimes, I get the urge to write a short piece about some topic that is relevant: I want to share it all!
So I plan to take a somewhat oblique approach to promotion.
I will be posting developmental and experimental articles I write as I develop the series. These could be technical articles, character studies, or vignettes and will be targeted at various age ranges. I will also be posting links to interesting and relevant articles on Mars and space and kids and kids in space.
This approach makes the generation of content much more interesting for me, and I hope it makes the site more worthwhile for you as well.
- This won’t be a site with only marketing material for the book series, though everything presented will be relevant to the book series in some way.
- This won’t be a one-stop news portal for all things Mars, though there will be lots of information about Mars.
- This won’t be a site specifically for kids, though there will be much content suitable for them.
To be honest, I don’t know exactly what this site will be and I won’t until it is.
Keep your helmet on. We could wind up kilometers from here.*
*nod to Kurt Vonnegut